Getting a good night's sleep is a big deal. According to the Sleep Health Foundation, about a third of Australians are afflicted by mild to severe insomnia, causing major problems in everyday life. Studies have shown that when people don't get enough sleep their memories don't work as well, and they struggle to pass academic tests. Sleeping less is correlated with an increased risk of childhood obesity and of Type 2 diabetes for adult men. Basically, people need plenty of high-quality sleep to function properly.
Managing your schedule to avoid late nights is an important way to get a good night's sleep, but it's not always possible. What you can usually influence is the environment that you sleep in. Here are some ideas for remodelling your bedroom to give you the best possible chance of an energising, revitalising night's sleep.
Simplify Your Bedroom
The way you arrange your home can determine how well you sleep. For example, playing computer games or watching movies just before trying to fall asleep can actually make that harder to achieve. The Sleep Health Foundation recommends avoiding any "stimulating" activities like watching TV for an hour before you sleep and removing any distractions such as gaming systems from your bedroom (this applies even more to kids). That way, your body can prepare to doze off naturally.
Create a Restful Environment
Removing distractions is great, but why not make your bedroom more relaxing by choosing a neutral colour scheme and adding pastel-shaded hangings? Bright colours and plain white walls may create a bold visual effect, but they don't signal to your brain to start getting ready for a snooze. Choose light blues, cool greens and gentle yellows instead to create the ideal ambience. House plants can also make a difference. They don't just look pleasant; they also have a purifying effect on the air in your room, which may impact upon the quality of your sleep.
Switch to a Memory Foam Mattress
The surface you sleep on is a major determinant of how long and well you sleep. Much of the time, poor sleep patterns are caused by a lack of support for your back muscles and spine. Particularly in older people, this results in discomfort and back pain, which can lead in the worst cases to the sufferer being unable to sleep. If this applies to you, or you just can't get comfortable on conventional spring-based mattresses, a Sealy memory foam mattress could make a huge difference. These mattresses mould themselves to the shape of your body and provide support where it is needed.